Income tax

Rates of Income Tax for Residents in Canary Islands 2022 & 2023 For residents of Canary Islands only Rates of Income tax (General Base) 2022 & 2023 Canary Islands From-Up to (2022) Rate of tax From-Up to (2023) Rate of tax 0,00 – 12.450,00 18,50% 0,00 – 12.450,00 18,50% 12.450,00 – 13.010,00 21,00% 12.450,00 – …

Rates of Income Tax for Residents in Canary Islands 2022 & 2023 Read More »

Rates of Income Tax for Non-Residents of Spain This tax is payable quarterly during the first 20 days of April, July, October and January, for the rentals on property, or once per year when properties are not rented, by the end of the following year. The rates to be applied are 19% of the profits …

Rates of Income Tax for Non-Residents of Spain Read More »

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