About Us

Los Cristianos 1
Los Cristianos office

Tax and Accountancy Consultancy since 1987

With our experience and professionalism we can assist you with your accountancy and tax affairs in the Canary Islands.

We prepare tax returns for residents and non residents, for  individual people and for companies, with or without economic activity.  But we can also advise you and help you to make your decisions beforehand. We can inform you of the tax implications of becoming resident in Spain, when and how to sell a property to minimize tax costs, whether it is less expensive to donate assets or to leave them to be inherited, how to organize a will to reduce the inheritance tax of the heirs, whether to form a company or to work under your own name in a new economic venture in Spain, etc. which are all issues to consider if you want to follow the correct route in your decisions.

A Bit of our History

It was June 1987 when Marcos Cabrera started to work as a tax adviser after obtaining his University degree in Economy in 1982 and having acquired due experience in 3 different companies during the five years in between. In less than one year, his brother Mateo Cabrera and his wife Merci Báez joined the venture, and in 1990, with the incorporation of Oscar Nieves, Marcos Cabrera S.C. started to trade with the four actual partners, keeping the brand name that was already known by many clients. It was July 1996 when the civil partnership was converted into a Marcos Cabrera S.L., which remains nowadays now with 8 more members of staff. The main office in Los Cristianos, Tenerife, has always been in the same building (Av. Los Sabandeños), moving only from the second down to the first floor in 1990. It is funny to remember that the street had no name and it was only partially paved at the end of the eighties!

The office in Santa Cruz was opened in 2001, and the one in Fuerteventura in 2007.

Santa Cruz 2
Santa Cruz office

Why Would you Choose Us?

With approx 2000 fixed clients who trust in us, we can only respond to their confidence with our best attention and advise each and every one of them. For that, we must be constantly in progress. In the world of taxes nothing lasts for long, and just to be up to date with the changes is not enough, we have to be ahead of them… With staff coming from different countries, we can be contacted by our clients not only in Spanish –spoken by everyone in the company-, but also in English, German, Italian, French, Dutch & Flemish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.

Why is it important to have a Fiscal Representative in Spain if you are a non resident?

The moment you buy a property or start a business in Spain you become subject to certain obligations and rights.  There is a variety of local and national taxes that you might not be aware of, even if you are fluent in Spanish. To have a fiscal representative gives you invaluable peace of mind.

We help you to comply with the Spanish tax law, informing you about what might happen if you do not. The European borders have never been as close as they are now; due to international agreements the Spanish Tax Office now works with the assistance of the Inland Revenue in your home country to collect outstanding Spanish taxes.

Questions we often receive:

  • What does it really mean to become a Spanish resident?
  • Do I have to pay inheritance tax if my spouse passes away?
  • What type of company should I form for this type of business?
  • What is the best way to transfer my property to my children?
  • Is it economically advisable for me to become a Spanish resident?
  • Why do I have to pay tax on a property that does not render any income?
  • What is this about Tourism Letting and sanctions?
  • Is it advisable to put a property in a UK Limited Company to save Inheritance Tax?

We provide you with the correct and personalized answers to these and many more queries…

What We Do

Non Resident Taxes – IndividualsWe present and pay the periodical taxes of all kinds, as well as occasional taxes such as those to pay when buying, selling or inheriting. We act as fiscal representatives of our non-resident clients, receiving all kind of communications from the Spanish Inland Revenue to avoid unnecessary problems.
Resident Taxes – IndividualsWe prepare and present the regular Income Tax Returns for clients with economic activities in Spain or without them (Income and Wealth Tax, Igic tax –which is the VAT in Canary Islands-, etc.) for those who live permanently in the Islands.
Company TaxesFull accountancy and tax service for companies, both active and inactive, covering everything needed with the Tax Offices and with the Mercantile Registry.
Property purchase and saleWe assist you with the documentation and payments from the moment you decide to buy a property until the day you wish to sell it.
Inheritance and Gift TaxWe help you to plan your inheritance considering both economic and personal aspects, and when the worst happens we are here to help you to complete the inheritance procedures to be followed (please remember that we only have 6 months from the date of the death).
Non resident companiesWe present whatever tax forms are needed for foreign companies with properties in Spain, advise them of any relevant changes, act as fiscal representatives and become their address in Spain. Companies (residents or non residents) are obliged to receive communications from the Tax Office via Internet, what we check daily for our clients.
InsurancesAs a complement to our usual services, we can assist you with any kind of insurances through the company Generali, with which we have been working for many years.
Have you received a registered letter from the Tax Office?If you have to sign to receive a letter from a Tax Office, action is needed, and often you are only given 10 day to reply. We are prepared to help you with it and to advise whether to pay or to appeal, or just to present what has been requested, and all that to avoid further problems. When these letters are attended on time, life is always much easier.
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